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Our Story

annual dinner, event, 週年晚宴, annual party, event production , event decoration, exhibition decoration, pr events, 場地佈置, 活動策劃, 舞台製作, 製作公司

Kidult Multi-media Studio Production Limited作為一間新世代多媒體製作公司,一直以創意無限、緊貼潮流、以客為先、熱誠用心為宗旨,為客戶提供最優質的服務,自2007年成立以來,得到無數客戶的高度評價以及肯定,為客戶帶來更貼心、更具效益的服務。


Kidult Studio的創作及製作團隊,均來自香港電視電影、網站及遊戲製作公司的多媒體創作人才,能夠確切了解市場走向及以突破框架的思維,提供多元化服務,主要業務為公關宣傳及宴會活動籌辦、影視及廣告製作、手機程式開發,其他服務包括市場推廣策劃、網頁製作、大型道具及各類佈景製作等等,而本公司設備完善,有自家錄影廠及影樓、音響燈光舞台設備、道具工場以及排舞室等,每項服務均會為客戶度身訂造,保證稱心滿意。


數碼科技係世界大勢所趨,Kidult Studio積極發展數碼企業形象推廣業務,以多平台全方位推廣策略,配合明星公關效應,為企業提升形象,廣為社會大眾所認識。




annual dinner, event, 週年晚宴, annual party, event production , event decoration, exhibition decoration, pr events, 場地佈置, 活動策劃, 舞台製作, 製作公司

As a new-era multi-media production studio, Kidult Studio Production Limited comes with full creativity and passions. Our services and works are highly acclaimed by most of our clients, which providing quality services to our best is our motto.

Our production team is experienced and professional in production. Assisted with extensive knowledge of the market trends and most updated digital technologies, we come up with innovative and unique ideas for all kinds of promotion and production projects, which are certainly beyond your imagination.

The services and products provided by us are varied and in the best quality guaranteed. PR events and banquet management, video production and app development are the core businesses of Kidult Studio. Other business aspects include marketing plan, website & programing, props & setting. We strive to meet our clients’ satisfaction with our rich experiences.


Following the trend, our programming and design teams are actively developing apps on mobile and tablet operating system to introduce digital company image enhancement services. Using various digital platforms as marketing strategy, with excellent PR management to promote and build up images for enterprises to the public.

annual dinner, event, 週年晚宴, annual party, event production , event decoration, exhibition decoration, pr events, 場地佈置, 活動策劃, 舞台製作, 製作公司
annual dinner, event, 週年晚宴, annual party, event production , event decoration, exhibition decoration, pr events, 場地佈置, 活動策劃, 舞台製作, 製作公司
annual dinner, event, 週年晚宴, annual party, event production , event decoration, exhibition decoration, pr events, 場地佈置, 活動策劃, 舞台製作, 製作公司
annual dinner, event, 週年晚宴, annual party, event production , event decoration, exhibition decoration, pr events, 場地佈置, 活動策劃, 舞台製作, 製作公司


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